The Daily Experience 6/22/15

Remote ProgramA. Tester: run 2 miles for time (8 laps--preferably to be done at a track)B. Read for 25 minutes on site (spiritual read) Student Program (phase 3: wk 3)Clear5 sets of:18 UB Pull-Ups (Adv. Butterfly being efficient)…….rest 2 minutesNote: log how your pull-ups are progressing.Strong (Phase 3: wk 3)A. Split Jerk: build to todays 1RM. 1×2@95%, 2×2@90% (adv. only)B. Clean (full): build to todays 1RM. 1×1-2@95%, 1×1-2@90%.C. EMOM for 6 minutes perform: 1 clean @ 90% (1RM).Note: log all #’s + detailed notes…BalanceA. EMOM until you fail:1 Hang Squat Snatch (start at 135, 95, or 65, depending on skill level to be able to build)…….then rest as needed and do B...B. Tester: Run a true 5K for timeNote: map out an exact 5K. 3.2 miles....