The Daily Experience 7/8/15

The WAR Classroom.....Clear3 sets of:6 KB Thrusters (55/35)--2 sec. hold at the top, kb in each hand.6 Elevated HSPU's (try strict)15 ft. hand stand walk1 rope climb (adv. only) 90 secondsStrongA. Every 3 min. for 15 minutes perform: 3 Clean & Jerks (start at 60% and build to a max–last 2-3 sets should be very challenging)BalanceA. 5 sets for a total time with including rests of:7 Heavy BS (log 5 loads)20 Pull-Ups (shoot for UB)7 burpee box jump overs (24/20)…….rest 2 minutesB. Read for 20 minutes