The Daily Experience 7/20/15
Mona--a first place finish
Nick a 2nd place finish.
Jody a first place finish.It's safe to say that WAR had a good outing on Saturdays olympic weightlifting meet. We had some good coaches come out to help coach and support them as well. Big thanks to Spence & Gabriel for helping coach and supporting the WAR athletes.I'm truly grateful for WAR and everyone that in involved in the cause. Lets have a good week :) Clear3 sets of:30 sec. hand stand 3030 sec. weighted plank 3010 strict 30 sec.StrongA. Every 90 sec. for 15 min (10 sets):Snatch (start at 55% and build to 90+)B. Every 2 min. for 10 min (5 sets):2 front squat (build to a heavy double for the day)C. Every 2 min. fro 10 min. (5 sets):5 back squat (build)Balance4 rounds for time of:3 rope climbrun 800 metersNote: log time completed....