The Daily Experience 7/27/15

Nick #295 clean. I'm proud of what this dude is doing. Not only as an athlete, but as a coach as well. He is in the process of learning to become a WAR life coach, which means he's learning to teach all of the WAR lifestyle, and not just the gym and nutrition; but more importantly, the spiritual, which makes up the actual life coaching.There are coaches all of over the world who can teach someone how to linear progress in the gym, however, what there isn't is coaches all over the world that can be a life coach outside of the gym as well. In WAR, we are developing life coaches not just gym coaches. Remember, the progression is from to student, to mentor, to life coach. We have to be able to lead people to change, and it's not enough to teach the gym and nutrition pieces only. I've seen it time and time again. The people who dramatically change the most are those who seek to live the spiritual piece of the WAR program.Lets have a good week and make it all happen........ Clear3 sets of:2 rope climbs (adv. only) 30 sec.10 strict 30 sec.10 controlled 30 sec.StrongA. Every 2 min. for 20 min (10 sets):Snatch (start at 55% and build to 100+)B. Every 2 min. for 10 min (5 sets):2 front squat (build to a heavy double for the day)C. Every 2 min. for 10 min. (5 sets):5 back squat (build)BalanceEvery 5 min. for 20 minutes perform (5 sets):Run 400 meters10 Pull-Ups10 Ring Dips10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)Note: log 5 splits.