The Daily Experience 8/10/15

Hi. Sorry I didn't post last week for a little bit. I went out of town and had zero service. Here we go. Let's have a good week...Return to Fly FishingThe picture is of my brother in law fly fishing. Fishing was a childhood hobby that I have lost touch with over the years and am now trying to get back into. It's almost like I'm scared to get back into it since for so long I did it while escaping. I gotta practice what I preach and create new memories of fishing clear so that I can find that beautiful hobby again. Clear3 sets @ 100%:100 meter row (big strong pulls)10 fast burpees over the 2 min.StrongA. Every 90 sec. for 7 sets: 1 Snatch (3 sec. pause at knee)B. Split Jerk: 5 x 5 (build)C. Back Squat: 5 x 5 ( build to 5RM)BalanceA. 5 sets @ 100%:5 clean high pulls (70% 1RM clean, build if you want)Sprint 100 is walk backB. AMRAP in 4 min. of:7 toes2bar7 burpees