The Daily Experience 8/19/15
A track is a safe place. Keep going to a track... Clear3 sets of:30 double unders15 ft. hand stand 2 min. StrongA. Every 4 min. for 16 min: 3 pos. snatch (2 each. pos) @ 50% build to 65%B. Jerk Balance: 4 x 3 (50% build to 65%)C. Front Squat: 5 x 3 (3 sec. pause in bottom--build to a 3RM)StrongA. 6 sets @ 100%:30 sec. AMRAP power clean & jerk (135/95)30 sec. AMRAP box jumps (24/20)30 sec. AMRAP kbs (70/53)30 sec. AMRAP 6 min. in between each set doing alternating slow spinning row and walking (3 & 3)**Goal is to increase power output per round...